Capen Publishing Company creates successful connections between organizations and individuals. Our marketplace offers a collection of award winning cookbooks and children’s books as well as guidebooks, reference, educational, and business books. Browse our store for your perfect next read.
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Capen Publishing Company (CPC) is an independent publishing and distribution company. Working with leading authors and brands, CPC delivers authoritative content that is uniquely designed to expand, enhance, and inspire engagement with millions of readers. CPC provides editorial, sales, marketing, manufacturing, and distribution services throughout North America. Our award-winning books range from cookbooks, children’s books, guidebooks, history, and reference titles. Our imprints include Beckon Books, Blue Sneaker Press, Favorite Recipes Press, Greenwich Publishing, Historic Hospitality Books, Quail Ridge Press, and San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Press. We have published over 2,000 titles that have sold over 50 million books. Learn more here.